I have currently served as Harris Creek’s Video Coordinator for the past 18 months.

I have been responsible for shooting and editing all video content for the church, as well as managing podcast production and live stream broadcast production.

main responsibilities

I’ve handled the following tasks while at Harris Creek


My main task at Harris Creek has been video production, including both shooting and editing content.


One of my larger roles on staff has been the production of the “Becoming Something” podcast each week.

social media

In addition to my other video duties, I have created weekly content for Harris Creek’s social media accounts.

live stream

Finally, I manage a large team of production volunteers who produce our live stream each Sunday.

Video Production

I have been responsible for capturing and editing video at events for Harris Creek. This is a small sample of some of my better footage.

Sermon Series Bumper Videos


I have also been responsible for creating bumper videos for every new series at Harris Creek. This is the video for our series on Ephesians.

Sermon Series Bumper Videos


This sermon bumper was created for our series on John 15 titled “Abide.”

Becoming Something Podcast

Served as producer, editor and distribution manager

During my time at Harris Creek, I served as producer for the “Becoming Something Podcast with Jonathan Pokluda.” I handled the weekly shooting, editing and distribution of the podcast.

71 episodes

produced in my 18 months at Harris Creek.

145 social clips

created during my tenure producing the podcast.

6.8 Million listens

on episodes that I produced while at Harris Creek.

Forrest Frank Concert

In 2024, musical artist Forrest Frank performed a live concert at Harris Creek, which I was fortunate enough to capture video for. The following is an accumulation of my best footage from the show.